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Energy Tips For Refrigeration and Chillers by One-source Business Solutions.

Energy Tips For


Energy Efficiencies for Refrigeration and Chillers


Refrigeration costs, for many organisations, can represent over 50% of their total energy bill.


The best way to save is to have a modern and energy-efficient refrigeration system, however, you don't necessarily need to rush out and buy any new equipment - just following some simple advice can deliver big energy savings.


  • Temperature control: Only cool to the temperature you need - every 1°C saved could reduce your energy consumption by two per cent.


  • Maintenance: Make sure you regularly service your units, as well as checking that condensers and evaporators are kept clean and fans and defrost systems are working correctly. Well-maintained refrigeration systems almost always use significantly less energy. For example, poor maintenance can increase condensing temperature or reduce evaporating temperature by several degrees, resulting in an increase in energy use of up to 10%.


  • Reduce wastage: Reduce the heat loads on your systems. You can do this by improving door management, using night blinds or strip curtains, and switching off lights in the cooled space.


  • Don't overfill: Ensure that there is room for the cool air to circulate as a unit will be most efficient if it is not overfilled. Items should not block the grilles at the front of a display cabinet or obstruct the airflow to and from the coolers in cold rooms. For example, overloading display cabinets can increase their energy consumption by up to 20%.


  • Keep doors closed: Make sure doors aren't left open for longer than needed. Make sure that loading and unloading tasks are planned and carefully organized. Also, make sure all the doors on a unit have well-fitting seals that are fully intact.


  • Location of unit: Where possible, keep your refrigeration units far away from any sources of heat (including direct sunlight) and draughts. For example, severe draughts can increase the energy consumption of open fronted display cabinets by up to 95%. You'll will also need to leave space around the unit's vents so it can draw in and expel air.


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