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Standard Grade Plans

Please note that the listed pricing is an estimate only based on Metro Region and does not include any promotional or special pricing discounts. As Fibre is site specific, a service qualification is required for all sites prior to quoting. Please email with your address locations for a service qualification.

Standard Installation on 36 month contract $0. Installation on 24 Month Contract $2,200. Installation on 12 Month Contract $4,400.

Non standard installations may attract a higher fee. A site inspection or service qualification will be conducted prior to installation of the service (and commencement of the contract) to determine installation requirements.

Service may not be available in all areas of Australia. To confirm availability, please contact your One-Source Business Solutions Account Manager and supply your address for a Service Qualification.

* Data limits apply to downloads only, uploads are unmetered. Excess data is charged at $10/GB.


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Premium Grade Plans

Please note that the listed pricing is an estimate only based on Metro Region and does not include any promotional or special pricing discounts. As Fibre is site specific, a service qualification is required for all sites prior to quoting. Please email with your address locations for a service qualification.

Standard Installation on 36 month contract $0. Installation on 24 Month Contract $2,200. Installation on 12 Month Contract $4,400.

Non standard installations may attract a higher fee. A site inspection or service qualification will be conducted prior to installation of the service (and commencement of the contract) to determine installation requirements.

Service may not be available in all areas of Australia. To confirm availability, please contact your One-Source Business Solutions Account Manager and supply your address for a Service Qualification.

* Data limits apply to downloads only, uploads are unmetered. Excess data is charged at $10/GB.


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